Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Free Virtual Credit/Debit Card to Use Online

Many times in different sites you'veseen that they need you to enter your debit/credit card info, for exp in some of free domain offer also required to enter your card info for security reasonsetc. Here a great way to get a virtual plastic card to use in such conditions and for free.

An unique online service called EntroPay gives you an easy, safe way to pay online in the formof a Prepaid Virtual Visa Card. There are many benefits. Openingan EntroPay account is absolutely free, and it give you an instantprepaid Virtual Visa card to use to anywhere online where Visa is accepted.Just after registration got complete, you'll get your carddetails immediately and for free.

Though you can also use it for payonline by filling money in this card using your bank or other cards you owned.EntroPay's Virtual Visa cardPrepaid Plastic MasterCard andBankTransfer services give users easy access to their funds. EntroPay is ahigh-performance online payment solution that empowers consumers and merchantsto instantly send and receive money - in just a few clicks.

EntroPay is a prepaid card. This removes credit risk and therefore meansit can be given to anyone irrespective of their credit-worthiness. Prepaid alsoassists users to control their spending. With EntroPay neither personalinformation nor credit card details are given to the merchant, therebyincreasing your security and confidence to spend. EntroPay is fullysecured. Your account login, personal details and all money transactions arefully secured with 128 bit encryption - this means that your privateinformation such as financial transactions and registration details are encodedin unreadable text - from your computer, to us, and then back to you.

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