Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Google Drive - Cloud Storage will come out

Google drive
Google drive, Google's own cloud storage solution, is expected to come out. Users will be offered 5GB free online space when they sign up which is more than double of what Dropbox offers to it's free users. One could also pay a certain amount to extend this quota, plans are unknown at the moment. 

Google drive will be released for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS and is expected to support "desktop folders". It is already seen as a massive challenger of Dropbox. While Dropbox has been around for sometime and has gained popularity, Google has it's own advantages. Google knows how to advertise new products, promote them among it's existing userbase and integrate them into already existing services. 

Are you a dropbox user who will happily migrate to Google drive? I will as I'm very excited to check it out and wouldn't mind the free 5GBs. Also I've been loyal to Google for as long as I can remember.

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