Thursday, April 19, 2012

Top 5 Best Browsers Which Never Crash

Now a days people are facing lot of problems with there browsers, as they often crash while working on something important. No matter how lite the browser may be, people still find difficulties in using them with peace. I am not a rebel of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, i still support them a lot. But some things must be changed accordingly, when we are progressing in technology and life. The reason to write this post is, many people have complained me that there browser will often crash when they open some thing flashy or while using more number of tabs and applications.They always ask me which is the best browser which never crashes when they are on serious work. So i have decided to make a list of browsers which never crashes so often. This list is my own custom made report, i have tested each and every browser very carefully and noted there working capability by putting a lot of stress on each of the individual browser while working and to my surprise the results were quite amazing and now i will present the top 5 browsers whom you can trust to work for hours without any problems.

First let me make clear that this is my own custom report, This was tested was conducted on the basis of a common user who spends 18hrs a day in browsing like me.So the list goes like this..
Browser’s Which Never Crash Often :
1) Opera 11 : The new Opera 11 is really awesome and lightning fast as they say.You can feel the browser very lite and very fast if you have already used it. The browser works really fast and i have opened approximately 50 to 60 tabs at a time and believe me it never crashed even once from a week. I tried to put as much pressure as i can to the browser. But Opera 11 has really was designed so strong that i can assure you that Opera 11 will never crash when you browse for long hours. If you want to download this beauty. Click the below image, so that you can get a direct download link. Size : 7.12mb
2) Maxthon 3.0 : This is a wonderful browser which never crashed even a single time when i was browsing. Though this browser is not that flexible and light as Google chrome, but the work and interface of this browser is pretty awesome. The best part of this browser is that it has a two modes of browsing , one is the Ultra mode and other is Retro mode. Size : 17.27mb
3) Safari 5.0.3 :  I agree that apple safari is not that lite as the other browsers are, but as per my testing and report this browser never crashes when we open large number of tabs and high graphic pages which load slow. I have used this browser for 1 whole week to test how strong it is, and now its in top 3 place of my list. If you have a good performance system and a good connection, i prefer going with safari as the browser will make a rich and new experience when we browse. Size : 34.63mb
4) Internet Explorer 8 : Internet Explorer which is the most trusted browser of all over the globe is very impressive with its functionality and resistance. The browser will not crash very often and its really secured browser where you can do your work without any problems. The new IE 9 is also extremely impressive and easy to use. As per some surveys 40% of people trust IE 8 as there main browser and i certainly go with them. Size : 16.1 mb
5) Mozilla Firefox : I know people love Mozilla Firefox. Basically i love Firefox browser a lot. But while coming to the testing part as i said earlier, Mozilla couldn’t be able to take more than 30 tabs at a time and suddenly it began to take all of the system resources in CPU usage and was crashing horribly. Inspite of regular updates from Mozilla Firefox i still believe they have to work hard on the new Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta. I personally don’t prefer a Beta version to work. I cant take my browser crashing all times when i am working seriously.
You may be surprised that why your favorite browser’s are not in the list. The main reason for that it really doesn’t matter how fast the browser is, The only thing which people want is a safe and a crash proof system in the browser which allow them to work happily. The post may not be scientifically very correct and strong, but this post was written after testing each and every browser for one complete week and also asking various people that which is the best browser which they feel that it will not crash when we are busy using various tabs.

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