Last month, Airtel launched the much-awaited 4G service in India. Airtel became the India’s first private operator to launch its 4G services. Until now, the much talked about 4G services was available only for the Airtel subscribers living in the Kolkata circle. However, the company went ahead and finally launched the lightning fast 4G services in Bengaluru circle. Airtel’s 4G network in Bengaluru was launched by Mr. D. V. Sadananda Gowda, Hon’ble Chief Minister of the state of Karnataka.
Mr. Sanjay Kapoor, CEO – India & South Asia, Bharti airtel said,
“As seen the world over, the total data usage is exploding and is doubling each year to grow to nearly 3.6 hexabytes by 2014. With the launch of 4G, India will move from being a follower in technology to matching the world in this domain. Leading from the front, Airtel is now the only operator that gives citizens of the Information Technology capital of Bengaluru, access to entire spectrum of broadband services including 2G, 3G and now 4G – thereby giving the customers never seen before data experience”.
In 2010, Airtel had successfully bid for BWA license spectrum in Kolkata, Karnataka, Punjab and Maharashtra (excluding Mumbai) circles. The company has launched its 4G LTE services in Kolkata and Bengaluru and is currently working towards rolling out the 4G network in remaining licence circles. Last year, Airtel became one of the founding members of the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) which was launched at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011.
Airtel offers 3 different 4G plans starting at Rs.999 for 6 GB of free data, going up to Rs.1,999 for 18 GB of free data usage. However, the company has launched a new plan for heavy data users, which offer 30 GB of data for Rs.2,999 per month. Airtel has also announced the new Smartbytes for 4G, which allows the customers to continue enjoying the 4G experience even after exhausting their monthly data limits using the add-on packs. As part of the introductory offer by Airtel, customers subscribing to 4G services will now be given a cashback for dongle on Rs 1,999 and Rs 2,999 plans.
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