Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pc Memory Memory Cards |Hard Disk Drives | Microsoft Desktops| Flash Drives | Drivers | Softwares | Mobile Phones Hosting Netbooks | Digital Cameras | Notebooks-Laptops | Super Bluetooth Hacking – How to hack a mobile phone using “Super Bluetooth Hack”

Using this program you can do the following things on the other phone:
  • open and read SMS
  • open phone book
  • change profiles
  • play ring tones (even if phone is on silent)
  • play songs/mp3s
  • restart and turn off the phone
  • restore factory settings
  • change ringing volume
  • make a call from the other phone (it includes all call functions like hold etc.)


1.) When the devices are connecting, use 0000 as the code
2.) Bluetooth must be turned on, on both devices before you run the BT application. if you forget to turn it on, close the application than turn on the bluetooth and than run the application again.
3.) Download the file from the internet
5.) Extract and send the SuperBluetoothHack_v108.jar to your phone and open it.
Installation instructions for a Sony Ericsson using a USB cable:
1. Connect your phone with your computer.
2. It mounts as a disk.
3. Drag the file that you have just downloaded (SuperBluetoothHack_v108.jar) to /MSSEMC/Media files/other/ on that disk (=your phone).
4. Disconnect the USB cable from your phone.
5. Go to the folder “Other” on your phone.
6. There is the application. Select it and click “Install”.
7. The program is installed on the place you specified. Most likely it’s the Applications folder.
Change the language to English:
If the software starts with the language “Slovencina”, you can change it to English on this way:
1.If you start the application for the first time you see “Nastavenia” in the title.
2. Go a bit down until you see “Jazyk”.
3. Click choose.
4. Select “English”.
5. Click “More”.
6. Click “Spat”.
7. Now the program is in English.
I hope you enjoyed blue tooth hacking using super bluetooth hack application, and remember never leave your blue tooth turned on unnecessarily.

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